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» FREE UIQ TrackMobiles.Net Phone Program(HTTP version)

Summary: Track a mobile for FREE after installing this program on it!!! THERE MIGHT BE SIGNIFICANT DATA COSTS AFTER INSTALLING THIS PROGRAM

Arrived: 2005-05-14
Found under: free, uiq, trackmobilesnet, phone, programhttp, version
Symbian FREE UIQ TrackMobiles.Net Phone Program(HTTP version) freeware

» FREE UIQ TrackMobiles.Net Phone Program(HTTP version) Description

Install the TrackMobiles.Net program on a supported phone and then track it from our website, . This service is totally FREE!!! THIS IS THE HTTP VERSION AND THERE MIGHT BE SIGNIFICANT DATA TRANSFER COSTS AFTER INSTALLING THIS PROGRAM BECAUSE IT TRANSMITS DATA EVERY FIVE MINUTES. The phone to be tracked should have a subscription to a data service such as GPRS, EDGE, HSCSD, CDMA 1xRTT, etc. You will need to sign up on www.TrackMobiles.Net and enter the phone''s IMEI or 15 digit code on the "Add Handset" page . You can get the fifteen digit IMEI code by dialing *#06# from your mobilephone. Every five minutes the cell-name is transmitted from the phone being tracked to our website. We use a raw HTTP packet to transmit the cell-name to minimize the data costs for you. You may also see data for a particular date by clicking "View Archived Data" on the website's "My Account Page." This program doesn't use any Global Positioning Service and doesn't require a GPS receiver. You can download the program to your computer and then transfer it to your mobile phone via Bluetooth or a data cable. You are usually given a data cable with your mobile phone when you purchase it.

the FREE UIQ TrackMobiles.Net Phone Program(HTTP version) for Symbian OS

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