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» Holy Kitab I Iqan

Summary: English translation of the Holy Qitab I Iqan. Requires Mobipocket Reader available from

Arrived: 2003-05-10
Found under: holy, kitab, iqan
Symbian Holy Kitab I Iqan freeware

» Holy Kitab I Iqan Description

Holy Qitab I Iqan is a sacred text of the Baha'i faith.
This is the english translation in Mobipocket Reader PRC format.
Mobipocket Reader is available for free download at
Steps for installing:
» Download Mobipocket reader.
» Install Mobipocket reader on your device.
» Copy the PRC file of the sacred text to your device.
Steps for reading the text:
» Start Mobipocket reader on your device.
» Open the PRC file in Mobipocket reader on your device.

The Kitab-i-Iqan is one of many books held sacred by followers of the Baha'i Faith. Kitab-i-Iqan literally means book of certitude.

This book was written by Baha'u'llah the prophet founder of the Baha'i Faith in 1862. At this time Baha'u'llah was living as an exile in Baghdad, then a part of the Ottoman Empire. While Baha'u'llah had received revelation some ten years earlier in the Black-Pit, a dungeon in Tehran, He had not yet openly declared His mission. References to His own station therefore appear only in veiled form. This book is an answer to the questions posed by a maternal uncle of the Bab concerning the validity of the Cause of the Bab, and it was written within two days and nights. It constitutes the major theological work of Baha'u'llah.

The book is in two parts: the first part deals with the foundational discourse that divine revelation is progressive and religions are related to one another, with each major monotheistic religion accepting the previous ones and, often in veiled terms, prophesying the advent of the next one. Since the questioner is a Muslim, Baha'u'llah uses verses from the Bible to show how a Christian could interpret his own sacred texts in allegorical terms to come to believe in the next dispensation. By extension the same method of interpretation can be used for a Muslim to see the validity of the claims of the Bab. The second and larger part of the book is the substantive discourse and deals with specific proofs, both theological and logical, of the mission of the Bab.

Intro taken from

the Holy Kitab I Iqan for Symbian OS

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