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» Psiloc World Traveler v1.05.4 Symbian 5th and 3rd Edition

Summary: Updated! World Traveler is a symbian application developed by Psiloc that is aimed to make a business traveler’s life easier.


Arrived: 2010-04-15
Found under: world, information, travel, weather, clock, plans
Symbian Psiloc World Traveler v1.05.4 Symbian 5th and 3rd Edition freeware

» Psiloc World Traveler v1.05.4 Symbian 5th and 3rd Edition Description

World Traveler is a symbian application developed by Psiloc that is aimed to make a business traveler’s life easier. The currently released version offers four basic FREE for end user services:

* Weather – a five day weather forecast and current conditions for around 2200 most popular travel locations worldwide.
* World Clock – four analog or digital clocks which show local time at four cities of your choice simultaneously.
* Currencies – automatic currency converter which uses local exchange rates. The currencies plug-in supports daily closing values of 184 exchange rates.
* World Map – a moving 3D globe which shows day and night zones, My City and any city selected by the user.

New in version 1.05.4:

* No need to uninstall World Traveler if your Travel Safe password is lost. Now you can reset your password for Travel Safe (and clear your saved data);
* New prompt for automatic connections when traveling abroad prevents accidental internet use;
* Landed status on a flight automatically stops further updates for that flight;
* New option compares server time with phone time and suggests a correction;
* Minor bug fixes.

Psiloc World Traveler Symbian 5th and 3rd Edition Screenshot

World Traveler is a symbian application developed by Psiloc that is aimed to make a business traveler’s life easier.

the Psiloc World Traveler v1.05.4 Symbian 5th and 3rd Edition for Symbian OS

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