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» SmartGPX v1.0 s60 3.0

Summary: Paperless Geocaching with Series 60 Smartphones

Symbian OS s60 3.0
Devices: Nokia N71, N73, N80, N91, N93 etc.

Arrived: 2009-02-08
Found under: GPS, navigation, GPX, geocashing, s60
Symbian SmartGPX v1.0 s60 3.0 freeware

» SmartGPX v1.0 s60 3.0 Description

SmartGPX is a viewer for GPX Pocket Queries. Pocket Queries are available for Premium Members. They contain all necessary information about hidden caches that can also be found in the cache descriptions like cache location, description, size, type, Travelbugs inside and a number of logs. SmartGPX imports cache data from GPX files into a database. The database can hold thousands of geocache items depending on memory available on the storage medium.

Geocaching is an entertaining adventure game for GPS users. Participating in a cache hunt is a good way to take advantage of the wonderful features and capability of a GPS unit. The basic idea is to have individuals and organizations set up caches all over the world and share the locations of these caches on the internet.

For more information about Geocaching see

SmartGPX stores additional information that are available as of GPX files and make them available at any time.

Installation note
If you get a certificate error when you try to install SmartGPX, your phone does not allow the installation of unsigned applications. In this case go to "Tools" => "App.mgr." and select "Settings" from "Options" menu. Set the option "Software installation" to "All". Now try it again.

the SmartGPX v1.0 s60 3.0 for Symbian OS

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