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» TimeBar v1.3

Summary: The Timebar deploy anywhere in the display clock (digital), over all, in any running program. In addition, the program has an alarm feature - audible alarm on the selected clock (hour away, the sound signal, or simply turned off). Features: - 12-and 24-hour time format; - Automatic synchronizat...

Symbian OS s60 3th edition

Arrived: 2009-09-19
Found under: time, bar, s60
Symbian TimeBar v1.3 freeware

» TimeBar v1.3 Description

The Timebar deploy anywhere in the display clock (digital), over all, in any running program. In addition, the program has an alarm feature - audible alarm on the selected clock (hour away, the sound signal, or simply turned off).

- 12-and 24-hour time format;
- Automatic synchronization of time-to-date on the smartphone;
- Support files MP3, AAC, WAV for warning time;
- Set the location of the clock (coordinates - the location of clock on the screen (horizontal position - to give the clock vpravoot left corner of the screen, where they originally appeared, and the vertical position - to give the clock down).
- Hours of color (red, green, blue, you can make color saturation) - the font setting (set and display size, fatness, italics, etc.);
- Startup is now added, which was not available in previous versions.

More changes:
- Supports Mp3, AAC formats;
- Auto-configuration;
Sounds are on the path - C> data> sounds or E> sounds, in zavsimosti where installed. The program comes with the sounds of Russian, you can change the course to record their sounds and throw on the above mentioned way, the folder with the sounds should be called TimeBar.Programmu need to sign or hacked to install on a smartphone.

the TimeBar v1.3 for Symbian OS

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