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» TimeTrack

Summary: TimeTrack is a program to track your project times. Activate a project and the time is running. You may close the program now. There is no need to keep the thread in background. At the end the accumulated values could be saved to a log file. The csv formatted file is located in the /Nokia/Others s...

Series 60

Arrived: 2006-07-11
Found under: time, utilities
Symbian TimeTrack freeware

» TimeTrack Description

TimeTrack is a program to track your project times. Activate a project and the time is running. You may close the program now. There is no need to keep the thread in background. At the end the accumulated values could be saved to a log file. The csv formatted file is located in the /Nokia/Others section. So it is reachable via the Nokia PC Suite software. Log file choices:

* the easiest way: the log is set off.
* the small way: the accumulated time is on. Something like this:


* the middle way: the accumulated time is off and all project times are off. The project time are counted.


In this mode it is possible to change the accumulated times for a project, e.g. you forgot the finale click at the end of the day.

* the biggest way: the project times are on. All clicks are locked by start and end times.


The demo doesn't save the ini and the data file holds only one sentence - logs are saved.


* 1.04 - September 2005
Bugfix: working on 6680
* 1.03 - September 2004
Bugfix: Working with 6600
* 1.02 - October 2003
Bugfix: refresh for changed accumulated time
* 1.01 - September 2003
Added accumulated time for single project log entries
Bugfix: label refreshs correct now
Bugfix: store the files to the memory card
* 1.0 - July 2003
Initial program start

the TimeTrack for Symbian OS

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